How Do I Make Sure My Stable Is Taken Care of?

So, you want to get out of the game. You know you can do something better and you have been created for more – but you also know that there are a lot of people that depend on you. For support. For safety. For direction and counsel. You’ve been the brains behind the operation for so long that you can’t imagine what it would look like to step out now – and wouldn’t it be irresponsible on so many levels?

You’re asking some great questions. And the fact that you care says huge things about you.

The first thing to remember is that just like you had to come to a place of wanting help and desiring to get out of The Game, the women in your stable have to make the same decision. You can’t make it for them.

We here at After Hours are ready and able to meet with them any time they are interested in sitting down and hearing more about options that are available to them. Feel free to put them in touch with us so that when they are ready they can take that first step. But know that it is up to them to initiate that.

Secondly, know that you taking the first step in pursuing freedom for yourself speaks volumes to them! Once they see that you are serious about getting out of the game, not chasing power and money and other material things you once did, they will start to question the same things in their own lives.

We’re so excited about these questions you’re asking and the steps you want to take. We’d love talk with you further about how your stable can be taken care of, what practical things you can do to assure this, and how you can have peace of mind as you continue pursuing freedom and reconciliation. Give us a call or shoot us an email – we’d love to chat.

Contact us below or through the following: or 323-524-8044.